When you fight, criticize, complain, groan, grudge, or pity, you become a part of the problem and in that mode you cannot be a part of the solution. When you observe, witness and stand apart, you open yourself up to possibilities that are not apparent when you oppose. When you wait and observe, you render yourself to become a part of the solution.
There is another observation about this:
When someone’s behavior tends to draw your reaction, that is the moment to look within and learn to be equiposed emotionally and yet be with the moment and see what happens next. For that is the moment when you can take an unprejudiced action. That moment when you observe yourself reacting has something very important for you to learn about yourself. But to start with, when you are not adept at this, it is a challenge to do this, and yet that is the only way out. Robert Frost is often quoted in this context: “the only way out is through”. A beautiful and very insightful phrase.
All this is easily said than done, agreed; but then one has to begin that process sometime, and begin it again every time one falters, as one often does.
This post has no story attached to it; it is direct; perhaps there could be a story to it someday, but then if there is none coming to mind, then there is no use fabricating one. Hope that is okay with those that read it.
Also, your insights on this are really most welcome, please oblige.