28 October 2018

A Cell Phone - Where there is No Mind!

The morning time between being asleep and fully awake is a time of wonderful insights. These insights can come anytime, however. They are more a Grace and Blessing, than being arrived at by an effortful striving. 

One such:

These days one comes to interact and interface with the world through the cell phone for extended periods of time. It is as if one gets one’s bearings from and because of the cell phone. One makes a sense of the world through the social media apps, the internet sites, the news apps or sites by browsing these on the cell phone. Even when not interacting on the net through the phone, one is often found doing something (out of force of habit) in the phone so that the attention is inside the phone- scattered there- rather than it engaging with the world around, the issues around. One is simply absent, for want of attention, to the world around, though that world- people, situations, Nature- all of this- is present.

Is it not likely that the mind too is acting like this cell phone, a filter, which is restrictive like the applications of the cell phone, allowing only a limited, tunnel vision of what it wants one to see, or, by the force of habit -again- doesn’t let you see except through its own filtering mechanisms? What could it be that the mind is filtering out? Just as we are only peripherally aware when using the cell phone, that there is a reality outside the phone that we are subtracting from our interactions – thus reducing the possibility of a richer lived experience- just like that, aren’t we, when using only the mind, subtracting a reality, and, thus, its offer of a richer lived and felt experience? It is even difficult to conceive with the mind what that could be- for indeed that is how it is described in all Wisdom traditions- that reality that cannot be perceived by the mind!

There is certainly a confirmed state of existence where there are no thoughts, and yet where, at the same time, one is very much there, alive. Since there are no thoughts there to process that state, there are also no words possible to describe that state, only similes can be employed, and that too with no satisfaction that the simile will do its job well. The experience cannot be ever satisfactorily distilled into words for the experience to be repeated in the reader. That is why it is necessary for each one to experience it -the thoughtless state- oneself. How?

There are indeed many hows! Know-hows.

Meditation, Music, Inquiry, Being with Nature, Prayer, Service, and, Direct Knowledge ( transmitted or bestowed upon), even Playing ( sports), and, Love.
