This morning I saw my mobile screen glow up with the caller's name: a prominent individual of our city, who has been consulting me for some time now. By default I greeted him with, "Good morning, Sir". No sooner had I done this I realized that, in another perspective, I was only greeting a cell phone number that was identified with an individual.
There are times when another family member uses an individual's cell phone to make a call, and, I am sure, that there are funny incidents occurring on such occasions when the person answering the call greets the caller assuming that it is the same individual with whom the cell phone number is identified.
Our names, our identities and our social images are like the cell phone numbers: these are tags to help others recognize us from amongst a whole lot of others- a simple code. The trouble begins when the code takes us over! The disease is universal, and blindness to it is equally all pervading.
Are we our codes (names, and our other identities)? What was just a matter of facilitation has gone amok.
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