10 June 2016

Tyranny of Numbers

There is a world of experience and living that is not amenable -will always be that way- to ennumeration. That is where living, the exhilaration and the passion of it all, is available, first hand, without, beyond, and transcending any description it.
The tendency of digitize, to put a number to attributes where it was wisest not to, to count a non-thing that was never meant to be accounted into books but which could always be counted upon, that tendency has now morphed into a large scale epidemic that has robbed us all of peace, sanity and wisdom.
In the name of slicing and splicing to get to the method in a madness that was never mad in the first place  (only we did not understand it en masse, as a gestalt)- that stubborn, assiduous attempt at en-clothing of mathematics over things, experiences and traits beyond the pale of numbers is a perversion of life by people who thought that life could be deciphered through decoding a code that is anything but one. There are things that are best left alone, to be felt, to be lived and experienced as such, without corrupting these with formulae and methods. It is only then, without the corruption with numbers, that these things bestow the gift of their full presence and their 'it-ness' on individuals. After all, why do we go about trying ourselves again and again in travelling, meeting, eating; all the time experiencing rather than counting and putting things in matrices? On the other hand who has not come across the rustic who travels to get destinations done?

There is never any doubt that numbers, statistics, trends and application of mathematics are helpful. After all where would we all be without these?
What is to be entertained is the notion of living at least a portion of daily life and a portion of life as a whole outside the grip of numbers even as we know that life cannot be wholly free

Imagine for a moment, if you can, a day lived without having to deal with numbers of any sort: what all will be left out will depend on your own life situation, but for some of us it could be a day without these:

  • getting up at about sunrise without a numbers of an alarm clock shocking one up.
  • a bath without the guilt of some indicative kilogram-digits not budging a bit: that would be a real good bath.
  • a breakfast without the burden of calories but full of in-the-moment experience of the aroma and taste of it, needless to say the company that comes with the breakfast, 
  • a meaningful exchange of ideas and information without the sense of a looming time-deadline
  • a car ride - a real ride- without the anxiety of the average of kilometres per litre of petrol
  • a peep into the mind of one's child's grasp without the burden of any digits that mark their performance when it is a process really.
For people of my ilk, it would mean:
  • seeing into the satisfaction of making a difference to a person rather than to their parametres or one's purse.
  • being free of the competitive madness of where one is with reference to one's peers and feel the common ground of healing and caring rather than just the one upmanship of papers published or number of cases treated or amount of 'oh-so-hefty' tax.

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